
Koala Genome Project
The Koala Genome Consortium is the culmination of five years of pioneering collaborative research, the outcomes of which have far-reaching and significant implications for the conservation of Australian koalas. More information:

Wildlife Forensics
Illegal wildlife trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry that threatens the survival of many species around the world. Wildlife forensic science is the science of identifying wildlife involved in crimes including the illegal poaching, possession or trafficking of protected and endangered animals and plants. During my time at the Australian Museum, i established the first accredited laboratory for wildlife forensic science. My research program and publications are still active in this field.
- Wildlife Forensic Science and DNA
- CSI wildlife at work
- Shark fin forensics (ABC TV’s Catalyst) 2011
- Wildlife Forensics (ABC TV’s Catalyst) 2007
- See more at:

Conservation Genetics
My role in conservation genetics projects covers a broad range of endangered mammal and bird species - including koalas, bilbies, Orange bellied parrots and Red-tailed black cockatoos.

Community Led Conservation
Via collaboration with the Kwaio community in Malaita Solomon Islands we are working towards cataloguing and preserving the extraordinary biodiversity of this island. This community led project is improving the wellbeing of the people of Kwaio and the environment.
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 26 December 2019:
- Video:

Aviation Bird (wildlife) Strike